Angkasa Pura Airports Prepares Special Outlets for MSMEs at NYIA

09 Mar 2019

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YOGYAKARTA – In a bid to support micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), Angkasa Pura Airports prepares special location for the enterprises’ outlets at New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) in Kulon Progo.

In the early stage of the operation of the NYIA international terminal, Angkasa Pura Airports will provide five spots for MSME outlets with size of 1.5 square meters each and one outlet of 50 square meters spread in boarding lounge. Angkasa Pura Airports collaborates with Yogyakarta Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Agency to choose which MSMEs and products displayed in the outlets.

“The MSMEs outlets will prioritize local products. For the distribution of the outlets, there will be two spots dedicated for Kulon Progo’s MSMEs and the rest is for MSMEs from Yogyakarta and other surrounding regencies,” said the agency’s head Srie Nurkyatsiwi.

“Product curation and evaluation will be carried out based on the specific procedure. Besides, MSMEs engaged in culinary must have home industry permit, halal certificate and also approved by the Food and Drug Monitory Agency (BPOM).”

According to Srie, there are 190 featured products, whose production are supported by the agency, which have the potential to be displayed in the NYIA outlets such as handicraft (batik, woods, leather, silver, contemporary), fashion (hijab, clothes, bags, shoes, sandals), and culinary (packaged foods and beverages).

Meanwhile, Angkasa Pura Airports Marketing and Services Director Devy Suradji said the MSMEs products would be divided into three categories: food, craft and fashion. Those products will be sold in the outlets provided by Angkasa Pura Airports at the departure area of NYIA during the operational of international terminal until the airport full operation in the end of 2019.

"We hope that the presence of these outlets in NYIA can increase promotion and marketing of the micro, small and business enterprises as well as boosting the community’s economic activities in Kulon Progo Regency and Yogyakarta,” Devy said.

She added that as a state-owned enterprise, it has responsibility to be an agent of development. The efforts of providing spots for MSMEs by Angkasa Pura Airports are one of the commitments to help improving the economy of the people living around the airport.

"Hopefully, this initiative can help introduce Yogyakarta and Kulon Progo MSME products to the world through NYIA, "Devy said.


NYIA Progress

The progress of the development of the NYIA’s international terminal in operational phase has reached 75.6 percent as of the 33rd week of work or March 3, 2019. NYIA is one the National Strategic Projects (PSN) mandated by the government of Indonesia to Angkasa Pura Airports. The establishment of NYIA is an urgent matter considering the existing Adisutjipto International Airport lacks of capacity. The phase 1 of NYIA development is targeted to be completed in December 2019.

NYIA will have a passenger terminal of 210,000 square meters with capacity of 14 million passengers per year, almost nine times the capacity of Adisutjipto International Airport. NYIA is predicted to be the third largest airport in the country.
