Angkasa Pura Airports Laksanakan Training Enterprise Risk Management For Section Head dan PIC

09 Mar 2015

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JAKARTA - Angkasa Pura Airports implement Enterprise Risk Management Training in 2015 at the Center for Excellence, Jakarta (09/03). The event was held from 9th – 10th March, 2015 and attended by 35 participants from headquarters, branch offices and Commercial SBU Ngurah Rai Bali. Training is followed by the Section Head, and PIC (Person in Charge) unit associated with risk management.

"The business climate of airport at the moments of being in a state that is not easy, a lot of challenges ahead that we must face together, therefore, this training is expected to Enterprise Risk Management Training can increase the understanding and knowledge, as well as expertise in the field of enterprise risk management , which is followed by the application of comprehensively by all participants." clear Yushan Sayuti, PTS (Acting While) Human Capital & General Affairs Director of Angkasa Pura Airports in his speech.

Training which was originally held over 2 days is given in 19 hours of lessons, implemented in the form of matter Pre Test, Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management, Risk Register, Risk-Based CBP, Charging Method Risk Register, presentation and question and answer process of risk management, and the last Post Test . The training methods given are lectures, discussions, simulation / practice and presentation. [CMN]
