Angkasa Pura Airports Laksanakan Diklat Fotografi dan Videografi Angkatan Pertama

03 Dec 2014

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JAKARTA  - For the first time , Angkasa Pura Airports conducting training photography and videography . The event was held from Monday to Wednesday ( 1st – 3rd / 12 ) at the Centre of Excellence Building and attended by 14 participants from nine participants from the central office and the five participants of the branches . Opening activity started at 09:00 WIB conducted by PTS Training Development Group Head , Ida Bagus Ketut Juliadnyana . On that occasion was also attended by Corporate Communications Department Head , Handy Heryudhitiawan which acts as an ambassador for the Corporate Secretary .

" Implementation of photography and videography training activities is a response to the challenges of higher corporate and dynamic . Ideally , fulfilling the needs of the documentation can be done by the relevant units independently . Therefore , the implementation of this training is expected to form a competent personnel who will be engineering photos and videos that the company will have good documentation database " said Ida Bagus Ketut Juliadnyana in the opening session .

Implementation of training activities in collaboration with Studio Maxima Photopoint led by Goenadi Haryanto known as national photography enthusiasts . Some of the material presented is the anatomy of camera , exposure modes , blocking camera and set up audio and video editing techniques . In the subject matter is also given by Anton Sugiarto as one of the professional photographer homeland . [ Handy Heryudhitiawan ]
