Angkasa Pura Airports Kucurkan Dana Kemitraan Rp 1,1 Miliar

21 Aug 2014

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Semarang - Angkasa Pura Airports branch Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang disburse funds for the partnership program to small and medium micro enterprises (SMEs) and environmental development of Rp 1.1 billion. In addition, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in the field of air traffic services also provide entrepreneurship training to the partners in Neo Hotel Semarang, Wednesday (20/8). Partnership program conducted by Angkasa Pura Airports has been running since 1993. Up to now there are 603 partners who have received assisstances and entrepreneurial training from Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang.

The General Manager of Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang, Priyo Jatmiko said, this partnership program is part of the Customer Social Responsibility (CSR) of Angkasa Pura Airports. During the program, Angkasa Pura routinely conducts surveillance and monitoring whether it reaches the targets. "For the second period of 2014 we distribute funds worth Rp 1.1 billion, as much as USD 801 million for the partners and Rp 371 million for environmental development. The total amount is nearly equal to the first period that has been channeled earlier 2014. Meanwhile, the difference at this time is we also have aided ambulance that will also serve as mobile clinics for public," he added, accompanied by Head of CSR Angkasa Pura Airports Maryanto.

In the second period that got the assisstance from the program, there are 20 and 13 trained partners for environmental development, while that gets the opportunity to get training in entrepreneurship from Semarang is 35 STIE AKA, either old or new partners. Meanwhile, Chairman of STIE AKA Semarang, Suyatno said, entrepreneurship training is given to the partners of Angkasa Pura I Ahmad Yani Airport is part of the entrepreneurship development. (Pardika RS / Source: suaramerdeka.com/Translated by Yeni Mujiatin)
