Angkasa Pura Airports Kembali Raih Penghargaan di Indonesian Quality Award 2014

17 Nov 2014

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JAKARTA - Angkasa Pura Airports again won an award at the prestigious Indonesian Quality Award (IQA) in 2014 based on the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence at the award evening event held at Hotel Mulia Jakarta, Monday (17/11). Angkasa Pura Airports achieved a score 501 or into the category of Good Performance. "The results of this IQA assessment in the year better than the previous year. Although both awarded Good Performance, however, there is an increase of 21 points which were previously the number of scores Angkasa Pura Airports is 480," said Head of Corporate Planning and Performance Angkasa Pura Airports, Yudhaprana Sugarda.

In 2014, the number of participants Assessment and Awarding IQA are as many as 15 participants from various companies with diverse business fields. The awarding of this IQA 2014 held as a form of appreciation and recognition of achievement and the achievement of performance excellence a profit and non-profit organizations that have followed the Assessment IQA 2014. The assessment process is done through a series of stages, beginning with On Desk Assessment on the Application Document has been prepared Applicants, based on the response to the question which is the requirement criteria consisting of 7 items category, such as: 1. Leadership, Strategic Planning 2., 3. Customer Focus, 4. Measurement Analysis and Knowledge Management, Workforce Focus 5., 6. Operation Focus, and 7. Results.

IQA is a tribute organized by the IQA Foundation and awarded annually since 2005. The participants in this award are a state-owned enterprises and private companies, and developed to be followed also by the non-profit sector / government, education, and health sectors. This activity is supported by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises and the National Institute of Standards and Technology US Department of Commerce. [Pardika Dewi RS]
