Angkasa Pura Airports Distributes Relief Assistance for Residents Affected By Mount Semeru's Hot Cloud

10 Dec 2021

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JAKARTA - Angkasa Pura Airports distributed relief assistance for residents affected by the hot clouds of Mount Semeru that occurred on Saturday (04/12) last week. Through the Juanda Airport Surabaya Branch Office, Angkasa Pura Airports management along with its subsidiaries and labor unions distributed relief assistance in the form of daily needs to the displaced residents of Lumajang Regency.

The assistance with a total of Rp66,705,500 was distributed through the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lumajang Regency on Thursday (09/12) afternoon.

“First of all, we are very concerned about Mount Semeru’s hot cloud avalanche disaster falling to the people living around the disaster area. We distributed assistance to the residents who were forced to evacuate their homes due to the natural disaster, in the hope of easing the burden on the residents affected by the disaster” AP I’s Vice President Corporate Secretary, Handy Heryudhitiawan said.

“The assistance is also a form of our concern as a State-Owned Company required to always be present for the community. We can convey that the total value of the assistance was Rp66.7 million. In addition to the budget for the company’s Social and Environmental Responsibility  (TJSL) program, the assistance is also sourced from the subsidiaries’ donations and AP I’s employees as their hearts were touched to help those in need,” he added.

The distributed assistance was in the form of daily needs, including baby and toddler needs (diapers and telon oil), women’s needs, bedding equipment, toiletries, mineral water, masks, and worship equipment.

Handy Heryudhitiawan revealed that the assistance distributed by Angkasa Pura Airportsthrough the Management of Juanda Airport Surabaya Branch Office arrived at GOR Wira Bhakti, Lumajang Regency, and was handed over directly to BPBD of Lumajang Regency on Thursday (09/12) afternoon, and directly distributed to residents affected by the disaster.

“We prioritize the distribution of assistance in the form of daily needs for babies, children, and women because the supplies are the most needed in such emergencies. In particular, we also express our appreciation and gratitude to male and female employees, AP I Employees Association, and the Labor Union of Juanda Airport  for their donation and active participation in the humanitarian action,” Handy Heryudhitiawan said.

The assistance funds were derived from the Social and Environmental Responsibility  (TJSL) Program funds for the natural disaster sector of Rp25,000,000, donations from AP I’s Employees Association (AKA) of Rp10,400,000, donations from AP I’s Labor Union (SP I) of Rp12,400,000, subsidiary donations of Rp7,400,000, and donations from employees of Juanda Airport Surabaya Branch Office of Rp11,505,500.
