Angkasa Pura Airports Berkomitmen Tingkatkan Pelayanan Bagi Pengguna Jasa Bandar Udara

05 Jun 2014

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Jakarta - General Directorate of Air Transportation held an event called Focus Group Discussion with a topic of Implementation of Consumer Protection Policy Based on Act No.1 Year 2009 at Peninsula Hotel Jakarta on last Tuesday, 3 June 2014. The event was arranged to study the aviation law and consumer protection law and was attended by Legal and Public Relation Head of General Directorate Air Transportation, Israfulhayat, Angkasa Pura Airports, PT.Angkasa Pura II, The Indonesian Consumer Foundation (YLKI), law practitioners, and representations of national airlines, which are Garuda Indonesia and Air Asia.

The participants joined the Focus Group Discussion enthusiastically. It was concluded that current procedures and regulations are relevant with the need of airlines, airport operator and also the customers. Nevertheless, all involving parties both in air transportation and also in airport business are expected to extend their wisdom in anticipating and reducing frictions among themselves. Act No. 1 Year 2009 on Aviation and Act No.8 Year 1999 on Consumer Protection both regulate the balance between rights and responsibilities of each party but they do not mention any policy on problem solving.

Moch. Asrori, Aviation Marketing Group Head of Angkasa Pura Airports, as a source, explained to the Focus Group Discussion that since 2004, Angkasa Pura Airports had involved YLKI in Passenger Service Charge (PSC) fare-adjustment process and had built a better relationship through the years. "Eventhough procedures and regulations on PSC fare-adjustment process in Angkasa Pura Airports already being strictly regulated, but Angkasa Pura Airports are still doing innovations to improve the airport service, by involving YLKI, INACA and passengers taken through a sampling survey or a research to find out what the customers want, wish and need toward the airport services and facilities," said Moch.Asrori.

"Through a number of surveys, workshops, focus group discussion with representatives of customers, such as YKLI and INACA, and also the passengers, in all airports run by Angkasa Pura Airports. With the positive feedback, the event is planned to be held every year," added Moch. Asrori [Citra Mahesa Nusantara]
