Angkasa Pura Airports Beri Apresiasi bagi Para Guru Berprestasi

25 Nov 2015

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JAKARTA Commemorate National Teachers Day 2015, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) giving appreciation to outstanding teachers of the central and eastern part of Indonesia. They were invited to Jakarta to participate in educational tours for five days in the capital city, which began on Tuesday (24/11) to next Saturday (28/11).

"This event is an expression of appreciation for the dedication of the teachers. These teachers are from Manado, Banjarmasin, Kupang, Ambon, Lombok, and Biak, the areas where there are airports of Angkasa Pura I. Each region is represented by two teachers, selected by the Department of Education and the local culture, "said President Director Angkasa Pura I Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito in a meeting with the teachers welcomed the National Teacher's Day 2015 in the Central Office Angkasa Pura I, Jakarta, Wednesday (25/11).

Educational tours held by visiting several locations and tourist attractions in Jakarta, among others Heroes Cemetery (TMP) Kalibata, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Fantasy World, Sea World, Museum Gajah, Fatahillah Museum, and National Monument. 'In the TMP Kalibata, the teachers will make a pilgrimage and sow flowers at the tomb of RME. Subiadinata, former Chairman of PB PGRI, added Wimbo.

According Wimbo, this educational tourism activities have been chosen by Angkasa Pura I as the concept of celebrating National Teachers Day 2015 to give a different feel. "The goal is that the teachers of the central and eastern part of Indonesia can see at the same time observe the Indonesian education more widely, especially in the capital city. Expected after return from Jakarta, these teachers can tell these impressions and experiences to the students," said Wimbo. [CM]
