Adi Soemarmo Airport Achieve First Rank of Healthy Airport 2016

14 Nov 2016

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Boyolali (14/11) - Adi Soemarmo achieve first rank in the Healthy Port and Airport National Level in 2016. This award is the result of the verification conducted by the Assessment Team of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Transportation some time ago. Healthy Ports and the Airport is an activity carried out every two years by the Ministry of Health to the Port and Airport in Indonesia.

"This award is a motivation and a new spirit to further improve hygiene and environmental health as a concern and responsibility for the environment and also the users of services," said Abdullah Usman, General Manager Adi Soemarmo. "With a title that we get it, suggesting that Adi Soemarmo can compete and excel in order to improve the service we provide to customers, employees and the environment around the airport," he added.

The criteria of assessment healthy airports include attention to the Implementation of Environmental Health, Planning of infrastructure, improvement of hygienic behavior and healthy, improving occupational safety and health, as well as increased security and order.

Besides Adi Soemarmo Airport which on first ranks, Sultan Syarif Kasim II Riau got the second rank in healthy airports awards 2016 and Soekarno Hatta Tangerang, Banten on the third rank.

[Adi Soemarmo PR]
