23 Outstanding Students Followed Briefing On The Indonesian Archipelago In Yogyakarta Province

08 Aug 2018

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YOGYAKARTA - As many as 20 high school students (SMA) and 3 students with special needs from 5 regencies were selected to join the 2018 Program on Understanding the Archipelago of Indonesia conducted in Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) for 2 days from August 8-9 2018 that covered subjects such as culture, education, tourism and state-owned enterprises before they left for a 1-week program in Central Kalimantan Province.

The briefing was held at the Grand Dafam Rohan Hotel, Wednesday (8/8) morning and was attended by the Head of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Province of D.I. Yogyakarta, Drs. R. Kadarmanta Baskara Aji, accompanied by BUMN PIC, General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Yogyakarta Adisutjipto International Airport, Agus Pandu Purnama and 3 (three) BUMN Co-PIC: General Manager of PT. Garuda Indonesia, Jubi Prasetyo; Group Head Indonesia PKBL & CSRRe, Fredi Aries Setiawan, and Head of the Business Management and Project Development Unit of the Indonesian Futures Clearing House, Irawati.

The Program for Understanding the Archipelago of Indonesia is one of the serial activities of the Ministry of BUMN to promote the theme "BUMN is Present for the Country" in commemorating Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. This activity has become a routine agenda of BUMN and this year has entered its fourth year of implementation. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) together with PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT Reasuransi Indonesia Utama (Persero), and PT. Indonesian Futures Clearing House (KBI) were appointed as the organizers  of the program with the theme "BUMN Present for the Country" in D.I.Yogyakarta Province.

"We have selected 20 of the best students from high schools and vocational schools, as well as 3 students from Special Schools from 5 Regencies/Cities in the D.I Yogyakarta Province to attend the student exchange activities for approximately 1 (one) week in Central Kalimantan Province. Reciprocally , the best students from Central Kalimantan Province will be flown to Yogyakarta to also learn the diverse tourism and culture in Yogyakarta starting on August 11 to August 20, 2018," explained Agus Pandu Purnama, General Manager of Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta.

"Before departing, the selected students will be provided with a range of knowledge and skills such as an introduction to State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Journalistic Training, Making Photos and Videos (Vlog) for social media, as well as art training to enhance their knowledge and develop the participants' self confidence. The two-day briefing is expected to forge students to become ambassadors who are able to introduce the culture of Yogyakarta to other regions," Pandu added.

The Head of the Department of Education and Sports D.I. Yogyakarta, Drs. R. Kadarmanta Baskara Aji in his speech appreciated the implementation of the Program for Students Understanding the Indonesian Archipelago in D.I Yogyakarta Province. "Programs like this is quite important as a means of enriching cultural insights and educational insights for Yogyakarta students, because they can study other cultures from other provinces so that they can develop their love and respect  for the homeland," Drs. R. Kadarmanta Baskara Ajisaid.

"I hope this program will continue to be implemented in the coming years. This program is important because students can help introduce profiles and information about the D.I Yogyakarta region to peers and communities in Central Kalimantan Province later. We are grateful to the State-Owned Enterprises for facilitating Yogyakarta students to realize their dreams and ideals through this program,"added by Baskara.

The briefing involved 23 outstanding students who have passed the provincial level selection held on July 31 2018. To participate in this program, the twenty selected students have gone through three stages of selection. The first stage was administrative requirements, where in addition to academic achievement, this program was also intended for students from middle to lower class. The second stage was the provincial level selection with written test methods and interviews conducted by the Provincial Education and Sportsof D.I Yogyakarta Province with BUMN PIC and Co.PIC. The debriefing of Students Know Archipelaago Program took place on 8-9 August 2018 at Grand Dafam Rohan Hotel Yogyakarta. [AD]
