Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is a committee formed by the Board of Commissioners with the aim to assist the Board of Commissioners in carrying out its duties, namely supervising the Board of Directors in carrying out the management of Company as well as advising the Board of Directors. The Angkasa Pura Airports Audit Committee consists of a Chairman comes from one of the members of the Board of Commissioners, and two (2) members, from outside the Company which are not related to the management, not related to stock ownership and/or not related to the Company's business activities. The Audit Committee members are appointed and dismissed by the Board of Commissioners and reported to the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Basic Formation of Audit Committee

  • Law No. 19 of 2003 on State-Owned Entity;
  • Regulation of the State Minister of State-Owned Entity Number PER-05/MBU/2006 on the Audit Committee of State-Owned Entity;
  • Regulation of Capital Market Supervisory Agency Number: IX.I.5 on the on Establishment and Work Guidelines of Audit Committee;
  • Regulation of the State Minister of State-Owned Entity Number PER-09/MBU/2012 on Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Entity;
  • Regulation of the State Minister of State-Owned Entity Number PER-12/MBU/2012 on Supporting Organ of the Board of Commissioners.

Audit Committee Charter

In carrying out the duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committee shall be based on the Audit Committee Charter of PT Angkasa Pura I which has been approved by the Board of Commissioners. The Charter contains provisions of establishment and implementation of the Audit Committee’s activities that must be complied in order to be able to work independently, objectively, independent, transparent, and accountable. The Charter is organized in Chapter forms as follows:

Chapter I     :  Introduction; contains an explanation of the background, vision and mission, as well as the purposes and objectives.

Chapter II    :  Establishment and Membership of the Audit Committee; contains an explanation on definitions, structure of the Audit Committee, membership, establishment and appointment of members, membership requirements, as well as tasks of the members of the Audit Committee.

Chapter III   :  Functions, Tasks, Authorities and Responsibilities; contains an explanation of the functions, tasks, authorities, and responsibilities.

Chapter IV    : Scope of Work; contains an explanation of the financial statements, internal controls, adherence to regulations, as well as special task of the Commissioner.

Chapter V     :  Code of Conduct and Meeting Mechanism; contains an explanation of the code of conduct, Audit Committee’s meeting, as well as funding.

Chapter VI    : Closing

Tasks and Responsibilities of Audit Committee:

  • To assist the Board of Commissioners in ensuring the effectiveness of internal control systems and the effectiveness of implementation of auditors external and internal auditors’ tasks;
  • To assess the implementation of activities and the audit results conducted by either the internal auditors or external auditors;
  • To provide recommendations on the improvement of management control systems and its implementation;
  • To ensure there has been a satisfactory review procedures for any information released by the Company;
  • To identify the matters that requires the attention of the Commissioner and other Commissioners tasks.

Responsibility of Committee:

  • The Audit Committee is responsible to the Commissioner.
  • Accountability of Audit Committee to the Commissioner shall be submitted in quarterly reports and the annual implementation of the Audit Committee’ tasks, as well as in the report of the special task of Audit Committee.
  • The Audit Committee is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of documents, data and information of the Company.

The authority of the Audit Committee:

  • The Audit Committee is authorized to obtain full and independent information about employees, funds, assets, and other Company resources relating to performance of its tasks.
  • In implementing this authority, the Audit Committee shall cooperate with the Internal Auditors.
  • Where necessary, with the written consent of Commissioners, the Audit Committee may request the assistance of experts and/or consultants to assist the Audit Committee.


The composition of the Audit Committee of PT Angkasa Pura I is as follows:

  • Chairman : Irfan Wahid
  • Member : Warlan
  • Member : Marta Kurniawan


Download Audit Committee Charter PT Angkasa Pura I here.