
16 Sep 2021

Angkasa Pura Airports Records 1 Million Passenger Traffic in August 2021

Angkasa Pura Airports recorded passenger traffic of 1,035,527 passenger movements at 15 airports in August 2021. The figure grew by 10 percent compared to passenger traffic in the previous month, July 2021, of 939,620 passenger movements.

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13 Sep 2021

Supporting National Industry, Realizatio...

Realization of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) in three AP 1’s airport development projects reached 78.76 percent, equivalent to an investment val...

09 Sep 2021

Amid the Pandemic, Three Angkasa Pura Ai...

Angkasa Pura Airports received a world-class prestigious award. The three airports under the management of airport operator in the central and eastern...

08 Sep 2021

I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Earns Top Ten...

I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali is ranked in the top 10 airports with the best health protocols in Southeast Asia. The airport under the management...

03 Sep 2021

Angkasa Pura Hotel Adds Premium Airport ...

Angkasa Pura Hotel, Angkasa Pura Airport's subsidiary, added Premium Airport Special Service (PASS) at two branches, Juanda Airport Surabaya and Sulta...

03 Sep 2021

In Support of National Cargo Growth, Ang...

Angkasa Pura Airports opens the selection of cargo and postal operator partners at two airports, which are Juanda International Airport in Surabaya an...

01 Sep 2021

Angkasa Pura Airports Announces HMSHost ...

Angkasa Pura Airports announced HMSHost International as the food and beverages (F&B) tender winner on phase two at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Bali fo...

31 Aug 2021

Dukung Perekenomian Jawa Bagian Selatan,...

Bandara Internasional Yogyakarta di Kulon Progo (YIA), salah satu bandara kelolaan Angkasa Pura AIrports, melayani kedatangan pesawat kargo charter Ai...

30 Aug 2021

Komitmen Jaga Kesehatan Masyarakat Masa ...

ngkasa Pura Airports menyumbangkan dua unit ambulance senilai Rp494.000.000 kepada dua yayasan di Kabupaten Bogor yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan d...

26 Aug 2021

Triwulan Kedua 2021, Skor ASQ Bandara An...

Skor Airport Service Quality (ASQ) di 13 bandara yang dikelola oleh Angkasa Pura Airports mengalami kenaikan di periode triwulan kedua 2021 jika diban...
