Terminal Domestik Bandara Ngurah Rai Siap Beroperasi

16 Sep 2014

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Kuta - domestic passenger departure terminal I Gusti Ngurah Rai airport, Bali, which is a former international passenger departure terminal, is converted into a domestic terminal is ready to operate on Wednesday (17/9). "In terms of preparation is almost done, just to finish the installation of a number of accessories and other ancillary equipment," said General Manager of Branch I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Angkasa Pura Airports, Herry AY Sikado in Kuta on Monday.
He explained that the area of the new domestic departure terminal is 68,000 square meters. Domestic passenger departure terminal was also using security facility. The passenger charge for transporting passengers 75,000 IDR per person, an increase compared to the previous 40,000 IDR per person.

"Passengers will get better facilities than the previous terminal," he said. Meanwhile, the former domestic passenger terminal departure will be used entirely as the departure and arrival of international passengers.

Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Bali noted that I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport departed a total of 2,228 times wide body flight destination to foreign countries during July 2014, it’s an increase of 4.98 percent compared to the previous month were only 2,123 units.
Domestic lane departure in July 2014 recorded 3,079 units or less 6.33 percent from the previous month recorded 3,287 flight times. [Diani Sekaring Sejati / Source: Antara]
