Bandara Sepinggan Matangkan Persiapan Posko Lebaran

23 Jun 2014

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BALIKPAPAN - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) of Sepinggan Airport is now finalizing the preparation for providing the homecoming post at the airport, in accordance with the instruction of the Director General of Civil Aviation. The Assistant Manager of SIM, Tapor, and Public Relations of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) of Sepinggan Airport, Awaludin, said that these homecoming posts will be operating starting from 7 days before and after Eid Festivities. The homecoming post will function as a public service to handle arising problems during the Eid holiday.

"We are now finalizing the external preparation.  We will also involve external parties such as police officers," he said to Bisnis.com, on Friday (20/6/2014). He also explained, the location of the posts will be positioned strategically in the new terminal of Sepinggan Balikpapan Airport. (Pardika Dewi RS/Source: bisnis.com)
