Angkasa Pura Airports Jawab Kebutuhan Infrastruktur Penerbangan Indonesia

29 Jan 2015

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Jakarta - Indonesia's high logistics costs reached up to approaching 27 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) is a challenge in achieving the target of Indonesia's economic growth target of 5.8 percent. This was disclosed by Yudaprana Sugardha, Head of Corporate Planning and Performance Angkasa Pura Airports while becoming one of the speakers in the seminar Indonesian Economic Prospects 2015 and Urgency Infrastructure Development organized by Investor Magazine in UOB Plaza, Sudirman, Jakarta on Wednesday (28/1) . Logistics costs considerable incriminating, it also felt by sea transport and port sectors as expressed RJ Lino, Director of Indonesian Port Company (IPC II). "The amount of logistics costs due to the amount of inventory or supply of stock and transport logistics Indonesia that is still dominated by road transport and rail," said Lino.

Seminar that discusses the economic outlook for 2015, particularly in the infrastructure sector actually will presented the Economic Ministry,  Sofyan Djalil and Transportation Minister, Ignasius Jonan. Unfortunately both are unable to attend. Investor magazine's editor, Primus Dorimulu states, the national economic growth this year will be better. Citing the results of the World Economic Forum, Primus convey, ASEAN and the United States (US) will be the engine of world economic growth. "So while the others slow down, ASEAN and the US is expected to be the engine of world economic growth," he said. This was reiterated by Yudaprana by calling today's economic wheel driven by the engine. "If likened to a machine, the current European economic machine was broken and jammed with declining commodities, machinery and Africa Latin America and slower due to some issues one of which Ebola virus, while Chinese and Japanese machines in treatment," said Yudaprana. He added that, if compared with the term flight, Tail Wind era has ended. "The factors that drive economic growth or tail wind as low interest rates, abundant liquidity, and the other is over and now we face an era otherwise the era of head wind," said Yudaprana.

However, in the perspective of Flight or Air Transport Industry, Indonesia still has the potential to grow large enough space. With a population of 244 million, the new Indonesian air traffic amounted to 95 million. "Among the countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has the opportunity to compete fairly well with an abundance of very large population, the growth of the middle class by 56.5 percent, to domestic traffic growth reached double digits," said Yudaprana.

Expansion of the airport and the airline became the key to see the movement of the airline industry that continues to grow. The number of flights operating in Indonesia for more than 350 airlines and is expected to grow double in the next 3-5 years. "Some of the major airlines to expand the number of large aircraft orders reached more than 500 in the next 5 years," said Yudaprana. Facing this, Angkasa Pura Airports and then take a step acceleration through accelerated development and infrastructure revitalization. Currently, the airport has been completed Sultan Aji Muhammad Sepinggan-Balikpapan, I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Bali, and Terminal 2 Juanda. "Especially for Juanda, even though we had just completed Terminal 2, currently Angkasa Pura Airports had to rebuild to Terminal 3 and the second runway. It is a necessity to address the infrastructure needs," said Yudaprana.

Priority of the current government one of them is a mass of infrastructure development, including the development and improvement of airports, seaports, opening new roads and highways, to the electrical infrastructure. Although on paper the plan is quite good, the experience proves, at the level of implementation was not easy. Many obstacles encountered in the field, which makes the development of infrastructure as roads in place. Constraints faced so far in fact relatively common, such as the issue of land acquisition, the complicated licensing process, which is not the way coordination between agencies, to the lack of commitment to the project with PPP scheme. "As the manager of the airport, which is rapidly developing infrastructure, we are looking forward to the support of the Government on the issue of land acquisition. Moreover we expect if the PPP scheme be implemented, must be supported with a clear practical guidance," concluded Yudaprana. [YAH]
