Kementerian BUMN Angkat Empat Direksi Baru Angkasa Pura Airports

09 Nov 2015

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JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) as a shareholder of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to change the composition of the board of directors at the company operating the airports in the central region and the eastern Indonesia. This change was announced in the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Jakarta, on Monday (9/11/2015) morning.

Changes in the directorscomposition of Angkasa Pura Airports is based on the Decree of the SOE Minister No.: SK-222 / MBU / 11/2015 dated 9 November 2015 on Termination and Appointment of Members of Board of Directors of the Company (Persero) PT Angkasa Pura I. In the decree, the Minister SOE raised four new directors, namely Wendo Asrul Rose, Moch. Asrori, Novrihandri, and Adi Nugroho. They replace Robert Daniel Waloni, Subrata Agus Gunawan, Yushan Sayuti, and Saptandri Widiyanto.

Interestingly, the four new directors Angkasa Pura Airports is derived from internal sources. Wendo Asrul Rose previously was GM Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan, Moch. Asrori recorded as Aviation Marketing Group Head, Novrihandri previously served as Director of Finance, Human Resources, and General PT Angkasa Pura Support (subsidiary Angkasa Pura Airports), while Adi Nugroho served as Project Portfolio Analyst.

Thus, the composition of the Board of Directors of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is new is Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito (President Director), Polana B Pramesti (Technical Director), Wendo Asrul Rose (Operations Director), Moch. Asrori (Marketing and Business Development Director), Novrihandri (Finance & IT Director), and Adi Nugroho (Human Capital & General Affairs Director).

Earlier, the Ministry of SOEs also appoint three new commissioners Angkasa Pura Airports, Thursday (10/29/2015). SOE Minister pointed Andrinof Chaniago Commissioner of replacing Soeratto Siswodihardjo, Agus Santoso appointed to replace Herman Dwiatmoko, and Selby Nugraha replace Hakamuddin Djamal. They complement the composition of the board of commissioners Angkasa Pura Airports previously been filled by Ary Dwi Purnomo, Boy Syahril Qamar, and Anandy Wati. [AH]
