Bandara Juanda Akan Bangun Tiga Landasan Pacu

15 Apr 2014

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Surabaya - The management of Juanda International Airport Surabaya in Sidoarjo, East Java, will build triple runways or three runways to support the improvement of airplane or passanger traffics. “The construction of runway is not only two or double runways, but triple runways at the same time,” said the General Manager of Angkasa Pura Airports for Juanda Trikora Harjo Airport Branch, when be met in Surabaya, Sunday.

Besides, the construction of this triple runways were also becoming the part of construction concept for City Airport in the area of Juanda. It is estimated, the construction of runway will be done in 2017 and will be operated a year later. Until the end of this year, He said, it still be reviewed deeply and hopefully the construction can be started soon.

“Today, accurate assessment is performed and cannot be miss because it is a quite big investment involving other party so shall not be mistaken,” He said. Later on, City Airport concept will be integrated as a single location that will be built business centers such as hotel, mall, office area and other facilities in the surroundings.

Meanwhile, the Governoor of East Java, Soekarwo said that the construction of City Airport will be shifted to the east by utilizing the are in the coastaline  of Sidoharjo because the land acquisition was not difficult. “Constructing airport as the business centre is required an area of 4.000 hectare. We intentionally selected the east area because the location was precise,” He said.

Governoor who commonly addressed Pakde Karwo admitted that the obstacle of constrution was the land acquisition process. However, this time is not difficult because the area is not much community shelters. “Mostly in the surroundings area of Juanda airport is fishpond. Besides, a reclamation system  will be used for construction,” said the first man in the East Java Government.

He targets in 2015, the Detail Engineering Design shall finish as the requirements to make a new single runway. In the next 2018, it is needed triple runways that will accomodate 40 millions passangers for many destinations. In this most clean and best airport in national level, today the movement of passangers reaches 17,6 millions people per year. Then, if the construction of double runways finish, it will raise the passangers to 28 million and 40 million passangers when the triple runways start to be operated. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Antara]
