Announcement (Revised) Of Advertising Management Business Partners Candidate Selection in Syamsudin Noor Airports - Banjarmasin

11 Nov 2016

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Hereby to be informed that Syamsudin Noor Airport - Banjarmasin Branch Office PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) will conduct the Business Partners selection process for the Business Type:


1. Indoor Package

2. Outdoor Package


The selection process of advertising management Business Partner with pre-qualification stage on administrative documents of prospective business partners, technical assessment, and Bid.

Pre-qualification Stages is held with the selection participants submitting administrative documents that the completeness will be examined by the Selection Team with the following criteria:

  • The selection participants have business experience of at least 3 (three) years in the advertising business activities (both within and outside the airport);
  • Companies of selection participants have a total minimum turnover of advertising business activities in 2015 of at least, - IDR (one billion rupiah).
  • Selection participants did not have the legal issues related to taxation within 3 (three) years;
  • Selection participants did not have a legal issue related to actions contrary to labor laws in the three (3) years;
  • Selection participants have never experienced or are experiencing dissolution/liquidation or bankruptcy;
  • Directors Board of the selection participant’s company is not involved in any legal issues in the case for 3 (three) years;
  • Selection participants did not have a record of legal issues and not on a blacklist in the tender or similar selection within a period of 3 (three) years.
  • Selection participants have no debts throughout the PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) evidenced airport by a certificate of each airport where potential business partners are conducting current business activity;
  • Selection participants is subject and obedient to the provisions - provisions contained in this rule;
  • Selection participants who followed the technical explanations sought (Aanwijizing) to be attended by the Director in accordance with the deed or if it represented a power of attorney should bring sufficiently stamped. If an appointed representative cannot show the power of attorney at the time of entering the room Aanwijizing then those representatives are not allowed to enter the room and instructions;
  • To all participants charged with the selection process cost or TOR purchase to be used for administrative costs, legal and selection process costs 2.500.000, - IDR (two million five hundred thousand rupiah) excluding tax on cash payments over the counter PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Branch Office Syamsudin Noor Airport - Banjarmasin or bank transfer. The fee cannot be refunded for any reason.

For prospective business partners who have the above criteria can submit a confirmation letter of interest together with documentation for further follow the pre-qualification stages.


Here are the administrative documents for pre-qualification submitted along with the confirmation letter of interest to PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero):

  • Photocopy of certificate of incorporation and its revisions to Law Firm Limited Liability Company was approved by Ministry of Law, for Commanditaire Guild has been registered with the local District Court, the Cooperative has been approved by the local cooperative agencies (certified notary public);
  • Photocopy of the company's financial statements 3 (three) years, audited by Public Accountant (certified notary public);
  • Letters of reference from the airport / commerce center locations where the company operates;
  • Letter from bank stating that the participant concerned can carry out investment;
  • Photocopy of Company Registration (TDP) of the Office of Industry and Trade is still valid (certified notary public);
  • Photocopy of Trading Business License (License) is still valid and in accordance with its business fields that will be used trying (certified notary public);
  • Photocopy of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Company (certified notary public);
  • Photocopy of Conservation Person for VAT purposes (SPPKP) is still valid (except for businesses that are specifically appropriate regulations) (certified notary public);
  • Photocopy Evidence deposited last year's tax or SPPT (PPH Board Article 25) (certified notary public);
  • Photocopy of National Identity Card (KTP) in charge are still valid;
  • Photocopy of domicile of the Company (certified notary public);
  • Photocopy of current / savings account 3 (three) months (certified notary public);
  • Certificate of smoothness of the obligation to pay for 1 (one) year from the Unit in charge of Finance Companies, applicable to existing Business Partners;
  • References experience in the field of advertising / advertising in both the indoor and outdoor at the airport or outside the airport (photocopy experience / contracts in the business field that is still valid);
  • Affidavit stating the company's performance minimum turnover of, - IDR (one billion rupiah) and in accordance with the company's financial statements in 2015 in accordance with the financial statements audited by Public Accounting Firm;
  • Appointment Letter (Letter of Interest / LoI) of clients who will advertise for prospective partners Advertising Agency;
  • The certificate of the notary stating that the administrative documents of the company (in accordance with clause Deed companies SIUP, TDP above) are correct according to the original document.


For the participants selection who is interested can submit an interest confirmation letter to the Selection Team Management Business Partners Advertising PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Branch Office Syamsudin Noor Airport Banjarmasin at:

Day/Date  : Friday, 11 November 2016 - Monday, November 21, 2016 (07 working days)

Time      : 09.00 – 16.00 pm

Location : Secretariat of the Selection Team Business Partners Branch Office Syamsudin Noor Airport Banjarmasin

Agenda    : Delivery of the confirmation letter of interest and administrative documents for pre-qualification stage.


Pre-qualification process conducted by the Selection Team and will be announced five (5) days after the deadline confirm interest and cannot be contested.

Furthermore, for potential business partners who pass the pre-qualification (administrative evaluation) can follow the next process is the submission of bid documents, by first making a TOR purchase.

Hereby the announcement was made, thank you for your attention.







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