Angkasa Pura Airports Gelar Kegiatan Donor Darah Memperingati HUT dan Bulan K3 Nasional

15 Feb 2016

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Jakarta - In order to commemorate the Month of NationalHealth and Work Safety (K3) that commemorated on January 12 to February 12 to celebrate the 52nd Angkasa Pura Airports anniversary 2016, Angkasa Pura Airports held blood donation activities in cooperation with The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Kramat, Central Jakarta. Blood donation is held at Grha Angkasa Pura I today, Monday (15/02).

"We want to success of the National K3 Month and the 52nd anniversary of Angkasa Pura Airports, this is a contribution of Angkasa Pura Airports to the environment surrounding the company through a blood donation event," Dedi Ruhiyatsaid, Safety, Health, and Environment Department Head Angkasa Pura Airports. The event was held from 09:00 am until 11:30 pm was successful in attracting the enthusiasm of the participants. Since the early days, many people have already come to the Multipurpose Building Grha Angkasa Pura I to enroll as a blood donor.

The total number of donors were 120 people. Of the total participants, who met medical criteria for blood donors as many as 95 people. There were 25 people who become donors canceled due to unfavorable physical conditions, such as the levels of hemoglobin and low blood pressure.

Blood donation itself helpful for routine renewal of blood cells, and can lower the risk of cancer and heart attacks. "Blood donors can maintain your health and rejuvenate our blood so that the work we become more fit, so do not be afraid to blood donor, "said Dedi advised to remind about the benefits of blood donation.

For the future, the blood donation will more often held by Angkasa Pura Airports to facilitate active donors. Given the interest of donors is quite large, and most participants classified as an active donor, then the future blood donation is expected to be more frequently carried out in Angkasa Pura Airports.

The participants were not only from among employees of Angkasa Pura Airports, but also from employees of subsidiaries, as well as agencies around Angkasa Pura Airports, such as Gapura, Dapenra Fire Department, BMKG, Health Center Flights and BNI. [NF / CM]
