Angkasa Pura Airports Wins Best Corporate Emission Calculation Transparency Award

31 May 2024

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Angkasa Pura Airports achieved an award at the “Best Corporate Transparency and Emission Reduction 2024” event organized by Investortrust in collaboration with the Earth Global Carbon (BGK) Foundation. At the awards held on Wednesday (29/5) night, Angkasa Pura Airports managed to receive an award in the “Transparency of Corporate Emission Calculation – Gold Plus” category.

This award represents an appreciation given to companies that are considered to have contributed positively to efforts to manage and reduce carbon emissions sustainably.

"This award is a real proof of Angkasa Pura Airports' commitment to conducting business as an airport manager, as well as at the same time carrying out commitments to preserve nature sustainability and the environment in a sustainable manner," said the President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports MMA Indah Preastuty.

At the award ceremony, Investortrust CEO Primus Dorimulu stated that reducing emissions will have a positive impact on climate change. "Companies that can reduce carbon emissions deserve appreciation for contributing to saving the earth," Primus said.

In line with the implementation of the company’s mission “Make a positive contribution to the environmental sustainability”, Angkasa Pura Airports has implemented a number of measures and policies that are in line with its mission, mainly those related to energy conservation and greenhouse gas emission management.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emission becomes the focus of mitigation by implementing the principle of eco-friendly airport, by carrying out a number of measures such as greening at airports, the use of energy-efficient infrastructure such as LED lights and solar cell lamps, the implementation of solar power plants, the application of the green building concept, the utilization of Building Automatic System (BAS), as well as the adoption of ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System.

In addition, Angkasa Pura Airports is continuously conducting greenhouse gas emission inventories generated by airports managed using ACI’s Airport Carbon and Emissions Reporting Tool (ACERT) formulation. This methodology is used to obtain the values of greenhouse gas emission from airport operational activities.

Through the implementation of a number of such measures and policies, Angkasa Pura Airports has successfully conducted an inventory of GRK emissions of 151,119 tonnes CO2eq in 15 managed airports, as well as has played an active role in reducing greenhouse gas emission in the transportation sector with a successful reduction of 440,985 tonnes CO2eq.

"This award complements Angkasa Pura Airports' achievement to the previously achieved environmental awards, as well as a motivation for the company to continue its commitment to making a positive contribution to the conservation of nature and the environment," Indah Preastuty concluded.
